On my way from the States back to Norway where i was supposed to meet my parents for some hours, I had a godly experience:
My Plan was that after my plain would arrive in Oslo Airport i would have 1,5 hours to come through customs and take the train to my Ywam-Home. It would give me some time before my family would arrive to shower and unpack, maybe sleep a little after the jetleg and than receive them. All started to change right in the beginning when our plain in Newyark already had an one hour delay. We arrived in Oslo and i so had only 30 minutes to reach my train. It should have been possible, because the airport is quite small.
So I stand at the baggage belt and pray. In the middle of my conversation with god i am reminded on a stroy from a friend of mine who layed hand on the belt and prayed that the belt would start running. For a second I consider to do the same until i hear its starting to work. Thank God i got spare of it.
I am waiting but the time runs and i see my train leaving. In the same moment i don´t know if i should cry, be mad or laugh. My next thought what if they lost my suitcase? I look around and realize the last people are leaving. What a self prophecying statement... The SAS-Service is registering me and i make my way out of the airport.
I have 30 minutes until the next train leaves and i still need a new ticket so I walk up to the counter, drop my luggage infront of an older man and tell him: I am sorry Mr. I missed my train and lost my luggage can you help me? The man is looking at my ticket and tells me what i allready thought. I need to buy a ne ticket (around 500 Kroner!!) I am on the way to start crying when he intensly looks at me. To not show him my tears i reach for my wallet and tell him: well, i need to come home with the next train so there seems no other way than paying. He still sits there and stirs at me. I have the last tears coming up and he sits there and stirs in my eyes. Than he reaches for my ticket and starts writing. I feel like back in the bible, when Jesus just writes in the Sand and all the others are watching, questioning what he is doing.
He passes the paper back: Take the next train and dont mention your luggage. I am confused, pack my stuff and move towards train, when i look at the ticket that says: Misunderstanding, Info wrong. New valid for next train.
Thank you God, for this angle that you sent for me! For the present of not buying another ticket but giving it to me for free ;-)