The beginning of this HIS-Story begins already last year when YWAM Skien sent a Team to Thailand to work with a project called "Lighthouse in Action" (a ministry that goes into the Bars and tries to reach out to prostitutes, showing them Love and another opportunity to earn money. Arriving just one year later at the same place we get to know that one of our girls we ministered to took the step to leave the Bar and enter into a new season of her life. The following story is another Girls testimony that we are witnessing this year during our stay here:
Some days ago a woman with 3 young boys (4,9 and 12 years) came to the cafe we are staying at asking for a job. She was left behind by a really abusive husband running of with another women. In thai context the grandparents would take care of the kids, while she would work. In this case: the grandparents couldn't continue the care for the boys cause they went through their own divorce and the new partners would't except the children. The "only" way to provide for her and the children - a way into the Bars prostituting herself to get quickly a lot of money (around 200$ per night) and be able to be a mum during the day. By her trying to find a job in the red-light district she came in contact with one of the full-time staff from Lighthouse. Offering her another (lower paid, but healthy) possibility by working in the Coffee-shop we are currently working with. After some time she enters the cafe and gets the job.
Our Team suddenly confronted to take care of this three boys, while the mum is working 9 to 9. After some days of watching them we find out, all three specially the smallest one were verbally and physically abused by their grandfather. While days are passing, our contact tries to find a home for the boys to help the mum establish a home before she can continue with caring for them. Door after Door closes and God shows another way...
Baan Khum Pai - Home of Refuge
Home of Refuge is going to be a inter station for Girls, Women and Kids that just came out of the Bars established by Lighthouse in Action. Before this actual need appeared, they were already looking for a discipling possibility for the people that would leave the bar. So with this women coming to WonGen Cafe, it became more urgent to find a place. Right now we are part of taking a step of faith in establishing that branch of Lighthouse, before there was time to raise the needed founds.
Here is an overview of what's needed:
1 500$ within 1,5 weeks to
-provide the deposit of a house
- buy the house and furniture
- pay school fee for the boys and their uniforms
Staff to disciple and help with the kids
Please join us in prayer, and if you feel called to give a donation, visit the following website: and follow the discriptions.