Tuesday, May 31, 2011

18 Inch Journey

My 18 inch Journey (aplacefortheheart.org/aplacefortheheart/18inchjourney.html) started by travelling 13 hours from Norway to North Carolina.

Arriving in my new home for the next 2 month has been already incredible. I met a lot of new and very nice people, which already makes me excited how this summer will be. 

Today i explored the nearest area. It's a huge, beautiful piece of land. Small houses, a lot of trees, a lake and here and there a swing-chair invites you to rest and enjoy the inviroment. 
After journaling my first impressions and thoughts, I realize,this place is totally a place for the heart. I am starting to get excited, what this summer will bring? What will God show me about him? Will I be able to enable even the deepest dreams of my life? What will change?

I am excited and curious! Lets see...


This is also my first Post in my Blog...How do I start this? It feels like a journey in itself...
Well, this is a Blog to make things a little bit easier. A blog that everyone can look at, thats personal and hopefully reflecting my experiences like a mirrow to you. It will be in english so that most of the people will understand it ;-)

What more to say than lets start this journey...!