Monday, April 14, 2014

The unforced rhythms of Grace

I am reading Matthew 11 as I stumble upon this headline. Some kind of depth is introduced to my hear and so I decide to spend t some time thinking about it. Right at once I drift away into what seems the endless ocean of God. Over and over again waves of thoughts are rolling towards my shore of understanding. 
How can I describe this discovery? How can I put words on what I see and still don't see... I am reading the last verses again and again and it feels like deep dark chocolate on my tongue. Slowly it melts away in the warmth of my mouth. I can feel it's sweet taste dissolving into all the pores of my mouth. It's as if I want to grab a hold of the sweetness tasted, but as the information reaches the shores of my understanding it already has dissolved like a water drop in the ocean. 
That's how I feel about Grace these days. It's as if I experience it multiple times like an offered invitation to follow, but somewhere along the way I am getting lost. Like observing the waves and getting lost in its rhythms of breaking on shore. 
Why do I not give up in this challenge that seems so impossible? I ponder... Well, I guess a sailor always will hear the call in his heart to come out into the open sea. There is something majestic laying in the water and the wind that is not heard in another place. For this season I think Grace expresses itself in the willingness to follow the call to place myself into the water and be carried away by the waves.

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