Thursday, November 10, 2011

What do you see?

When we stand in front of a commond bush, is there anything more to see than Blackberries?

When we look at a work of art, we know there is something there more than paint, but is there something more than the picture?

When we walk through our day, do we see more than our attitude, circumstances we know there is more than the person we meet, but is there something more than we can see?

The soul, though at all times hidden, is at all times revealed, expressing itself through everything we say and do:

 This would mean we would see and understand a lot more of this world, a person or their heart if we would pay attention to the special thing, that we seem to miss all the time. Do we have the eyes to see it or does it need special glasses to see? Are we even willing to stop and pause to spent a little second more to grasp a glimbs of a hidden treasure that comunicates more than we see in the first place. And if we would stop and listen and see, would it change maybe our own history or circumstances - just like in a ferrytale...

Sometimes we all have seen it or at least sensed it. And if we can´t put our finger on it, it puts its finger on us, tapping us on the shoulder urging us to stop and look and listen to what God may be saying to us through them. 
How many times have we seen but ot learned, wathed but not wondered what lesson this person´s life could be teaching us?

It just makes me remember a sentence I know so well: God has a voice in everything, but i can miss him in anything:
Just yesterday i had been proven wrong when i borrowed a movie of a friend and could not share her excitement of how many principles of God are in that movie. Well together with a friend we invited God to speak to us through this movie and in the end we both were wrecked, because he spoke not only in a subordinate clause but both of us got a humongous lesson teached each at the place we were standing in our lives.

I don´t know about you, but i so want to become a great treasure hunter and see through the eyes of the invisible. I want to be able to pause and watch and learn from the open window i see right in that moment.

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